Why can't MicroStore customers see products?

Updated at September 26th, 2023

Q: Why can't MicroStore customers see products?

Q: A customers can't get into my MicroStore even though he has been my customer on MC Boss. How to give him access to visit my MicroStore?

A: There could be a few steps we can check out:


Step 1: Check in MC Boss to verify that the customer's phone number is correctly entered as MS Manager and his MicroStore account phone number.

Go to MC Boss → Tap Client→ Select a customer → Tap "Modify" on top right corner → Check "Mobile" number if it's correct and same as MS Manager and his MicroStore account phone number


Kind tips

1. Ensure correct mobile number entry: avoid special characters and spaces in the number, and do not include 0 ahead.

2. Enter "Country code" in the designated area code field and separate it from the phone number.


Step 2: Check this customer's MicroStore access permissions on MS Manager.

Go to MS Manager → Tap Customer→ Select a customer → Tap "Edit" on top right corner → Settings → Permission: Select "All access" → Save


Kind tips

Notify the customer to restart their MicroStore, and they should be able to access with their phone number.


How to modify MicroStore customers' product viewing permissions on MS Manager?

Click here to find out

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